Antifoaming Products


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ChemAssociates' Antifoaming Products 

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ChemAssociates presents New London Chemicals' antifoaming products.  New London Chemicals offers a great variety of antifoaming and defoamer products including silicone based, non-silicone based, kosher, industrial and food grades, etc.  New London Chemicals knows the importance of testing a product before use, so they accommodate their customers by providing 4 oz. samples for lab analysis upon request.  If you are interested in obtaining a sample or have a question about a product, please click here and ask (make sure you provide detailed information on which product you are interested in).

Who may be interested in our products?  For example, if your business deals with:

  •    Industrial grade products
           - Landfill Leachate Problems
           - Waste Water Treatment

           - Paper Manufacturing
           - Chemical manufacturing
           - Adhesive and Ink Manufacturing
           - Metalworking
           - Leather finishing
           - Resin polymerization


  •    Food grade products
           - Fermentation
           - Beverages and Preserves
           - Meat Poultry and Seafood Processing
           - Rendering

Please browse through our product list for more information or click here to make an inquiry.

**please note that pricing may not reflect current pricing as we are adding defoamers to our site and some prices are changing due to petroleum pricing hikes**

The following product packaging is available through New London Chemicals:

            5 Gallon Pail
            55 Gallon HDPE Drum
            55 Gallon Steel Drum
            15 Gallon HDPE Drum
            30 Gallon HDPE Drum
            275 Gallon HDPE Totes
            275 Gallon Steel Totes
            330 Gallon Bag-in-a-Box
            Bulk Tanker Truck


If you are interested in a size that is not offered on this site, please send a special request by clicking here.



The following information describes each product category.

The above listed TRANS series of antifoams are food-grade, water-based, silicone emulsions (as polydimethylsiloxane) designed to control foam in most aqueous systems. Widely used in many non-food-grade industrial applications, these antifoams find utility beyond, and are not limited to, the food industry. The functional properties developed especially for our TRANS products to eliminate and prevent excessive foam include: quick dispersibility, slight insolubility, relative stability, and a high degree of spreadability in the foaming system. The active ingredient, polydimethylsiloxane, is an inert polymer with the following structure:

Poly-silicone Molecule

where the value for n is approximately 180 repeating units

These particular TRANS antifoam products utilize only food-grade, nonionic emulsifiers; and contain only ingredients that are recognized by qualified experts as safe in food products according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 173.340. They may therefore be used as direct food additives in most foods at levels anywhere from 33 to 333 parts per million (mg/L) depending upon the product. As processing aids, these TRANS products are considered 'secondary direct food additives' and impart no flavor, odor, or functional attributes to the food. Please consult the Code of Federal Regulations for further clarification on antifoam usage in your particular foodstuff.


  • silicone ANTIFOAM COMPOUNDS - C-2100

Like the other food-grade TRANS antifoams, C-2100 is based on polydimethylsiloxane; however, unlike the other TRANS antifoams, C-2100 is not a water-based emulsion: it's a 100% active, water-free, thick dispersion of silicone dioxide within a body of silicone fluid. The C-2100 series of antifoams are designed to control foam in many types of primarily non-aqueous systems, although some utility can be found in certain aqueous applications. Widely used in many non-food-grade industrial applications, C-2100 also finds utility beyond, and is not limited to, the food industry.


  • NON-silicone ANTIFOAM EMULSIONS - C-2220, C-2286, C-20FG2

C-2220 is a water-based, non-silicone, food-grade emulsion designed to control foam in aqueous systems where the presence of silicone is not desired or cannot be tolerated. Widely used in many non-food-grade industrial applications, (for example, to suppress foam formation in o/w emulsions) C-2220 finds utility beyond, and is not limited to, the food industry.

C-2220, an oil-in-water emulsion of a fine grade of white mineral oil conforming to 21 CFR 172.878, utilizes only food-grade, nonionic emulsifiers and contains only ingredients that are recognized by qualified experts as safe in food products according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 173.340. It may therefore be safely used as a direct food additive in an amount not to exceed that reasonably required to inhibit foaming in specific applications such as wash water for sliced potatoes, and for the processing of beet sugar and yeast. As a food processing aid, C-2220 is considered a 'secondary direct food additive' and imparts no flavor, odor, or functional attributes to the food. C-2220 is also widely used as an indirect food additive for the manufacture of articles or components of articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food; and is approved for the manufacture of paper and paperboard per 21 CFR 176.170, 176.180, and 176.210. Consult the Code of Federal Regulations for further clarification on antifoam usage in your particular food-grade application.

C-2286 is somewhat similar in chemical composition to C-2220, but has a thinner viscosity. Like C-2220, C-2286 finds applicability in food-grade applications, but it, too, also possesses attributes which make it suitable for industrial applications intolerant to the presence of silicone. For example, C-2286 is effectively utilized within the printed circuitboard and electronics industries as an antifoam/defoamer for rinsing, waste, and developing operations.

C-20FG2 is a water-based, non-silicone, food-grade emulsion designed to control foam in aqueous food-canning processes where the presence of silicone is not desired or cannot be tolerated. C-20FG2 disperses readily when added to an aqueous system, yet possesses slight insolubility to control excessive foam. When used in sufficient but not excessive quantities, C-20FG2 should in no way alter the taste of food products.

  • INDUSTRIAL silicone ANTIFOAM EMULSIONS - C-2222, C-22223, & C-2278

C-2222 & C-22223 are highly complex, water-based, industrial-grade antifoam emulsions containing organic non-silicone components for good foam knockdown and low levels of silicone (as polydimethylsiloxane) for good foam control. These products are primarily used as wastewater and effluent defoamers, but find applicability in a wide range of industrial applications, including high-temperature operations.

C-2278 silicone antifoam is a water-based, silicone and polypropylene glycol emulsion designed to control foam in aqueous systems, including fermentations and wastewater. C-2278 contains 19% actives and is a highly efficacious alternative to strictly silicone antifoams. In addition to multiple industrial applications, C-2278 is approved as a direct food additive per 21 CFR 173.340 - provided its use is limited to processing beet sugar and yeast. C-2278 can also be used as an indirect food additive for the manufacture of articles or components of articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food; and is approved for the manufacture of paper and paperboard per 21 CFR 176.170, 176.180, and 176.210.

  • NON-silicone INDUSTRIAL DEFOAMERS - C-2245

C-2245 is a water-based, biodegradable, non-silicone defoaming blend developed to prevent excessive foaming in C.I.P. cleaning systems and auto-dishwashing applications. It is alkali-soluble and stable, performs in high temperature systems and high protein soil conditions such as whey evaporators, and possesses mild detergency. C-2245 is effective within the food industry where direct and indirect food contact is not expected to occur.

To control foam, C-2245 defoamer is normally added directly to the foaming product or process. A good starting point is 0.2 to 0.5% by weight in an aqueous system. For example, a standard recommendation is 3 oz. of C-2245 for each 10 gallons of liquid caustic soda. C-2245 will cloud when exposed to slightly elevated temperatures. This reversible phenomenon is normal, and is the mechanism by which C-2245 derives its efficacy within high-temperature cleaning systems. C-2245 performs best in alkaline processes operating at temperatures above 90° F (32 °C). As with any antifoam or defoamer, thorough testing should always be conducted to determine the suitability and compatibility of the antifoam with the foaming system and processing equipment.


C-2290 is a water-based, industrial-grade antifoam utilizing low levels of chemically modified silicones in conjunction with non-silicone defoaming polymers to deliver outstanding foam-combative performance. The functional properties developed especially for C-2290 to eliminate and prevent excessive foam include very quick dispersibility and a high degree of spreadability in the foaming system. C-2290 possesses excellent stability and long-lasting efficacy in metalworking fluids, does not negatively impact the clarity of synthetic fluids when incorporated properly, and finds utility in cleaning products subjected to foam causing application methods. C-2290 contains a very small amount of special silicones possessing enhanced rinseability and water dispersibility characteristics; thus, in some instances, it may be possible to utilize C-2290 in applications traditionally sensitive to the presence of silicone. The total level of both silicone and non-silicone actives in C-2290 is about 15%. C-2290 is also a suitable antifoam for the manufacture of paper and paperboard per 21 CFR 176.170, 176.180, and 176.210.

C-2295 is a new, very complex antifoaming additive suitable for a variety of industrial applications, including ink manufacture and pigment grinding operations. C-2295 is highly active, disperses readily, and possesses magnificent and long-lasting antifoam prowess.


C-21030 Standard 3% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 333 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-21030 I Standard 3% silicone antifoam for industrial use Not Applicable Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-21030 K Kosher certified 3% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 333 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2005 Standard 5% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 200 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2005 A Acidified, kosher, 5% silicone antifoam for food-grade use; formaldehyde-free 200 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2005 I Standard 5% silicone antifoam for industrial use Not Applicable Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2005 K Kosher certified 5% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 200 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2005 PK Kosher for Passover certified 5% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 200 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 Standard 10% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 100 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 A Acidified, kosher, 10% silicone antifoam for food-grade use; formaldehyde-free 100 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 I Standard 10% silicone antifoam for industrial use Not Applicable Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 K Kosher certified 10% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 100 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 M Kosher certified 10% silicone antifoam for food-grade or industrial use; thinner viscosity than standard C-2010 100 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2010 PK Kosher for Passover certified 10% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 100 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.37 # 450 # 40 #
C-2020 Standard 20% silicone antifoam for food-grade & industrial use 50 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.35 # 450 # 40 #
C-2020 A Acidified 20% silicone antifoam for food-grade use; formaldehyde-free 50 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.36 # 450 # 40 #
C-2020 I Standard 20% silicone antifoam for industrial use Not Applicable Dispersible Approx. 8.35 # 450 # 40 #
C-2020 K Acidified, kosher, 20% silicone antifoam for food-grade use; formaldehyde-free 50 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.35 # 450 # 40 #
C-2020 PK Kosher for Passover certified 20% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 50 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.37 # 450 # 40 #
C-2030 Standard 30% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 33 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.37 # 450 # 40 #
C-2030 I Standard 30% silicone antifoam for industrial use Not Applicable Dispersible Approx. 8.37 # 450 # 40 #
C-2030 K Kosher certified 30% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 33 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.37 # 450 # 40 #
C-2030 PK Kosher for Passover certified 30% silicone antifoam for food-grade use 33 ppm Dispersible Approx. 8.40 # 450 # 40 #
C-2100 Standard 100% silicone antifoam compound for food-grade & industrial use 10 ppm Insoluble Approx. 8.54 # 450 # 40 #
C-2100 K Kosher certified 100% silicone antifoam compound for food-grade use 10 ppm Insoluble Approx. 8.54 # 450 # 40 #
C-2100 PK Kosher for Passover certified 100% silicone antifoam compound for food-grade use 10 ppm Insoluble Approx. 8.54 # 450 # 40 #
C-20FG2 Non-silicone antifoam emulsion for vegetable canning & processing Not to exceed that reasonably required to inhibit foaming Dispersible Approx. 8.33 # 450 # 40 #
C-2220 Non-silicone antifoam emulsion for food-grade & industrial use Not to exceed that reasonably required to inhibit foaming Dispersible with agitation Approx. 7.95 # 450 # 40 #
C-2220 K Kosher certified non-silicone antifoam emulsion for food-grade use Not to exceed that reasonably required to inhibit foaming Dispersible with agitation Approx. 7.95 # 450 # 40 #
C-2222 Complex silicone antifoam for multiple industrial uses, including wastewater Not allowed Readily dispersible Approx. 8.15 # 450 # 40 #
C-22223 Complex silicone antifoam for multiple industrial uses, including wastewater Not allowed Readily dispersible Approx. 8.23 # 450 # 40 #
C-2245 Non-silicone defoamer for high-temp & high-alkalinity industrial applications Not allowed Soluble below room temperature Approx. 8.56 # 460 # 40 #
C-2278 silicone & polypropylene glycol antifoam for food-grade & industrial use, including wastewater & fermentations Limited to beet sugar & yeast processing Dispersible with agitation Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2278 K Kosher certified silicone & polypropylene glycol antifoam for food-grade use Limited to beet sugar & yeast processing Dispersible with agitation Approx. 8.34 # 450 # 40 #
C-2286 Non-silicone antifoam emulsion for food-grade & industrial use, including printed circuitboard manufacture Not to exceed that reasonably required to inhibit foaming Dispersible with agitation Approx. 7.95 # 450 # 40 #
C-2290 Modified silicone antifoam for industrial use, including metalworking fluids & cleaning products Not allowed Readily dispersible Approx. 8.42 # 450 # 40 #
C-2295 Modified silicone/polymer/polydimethylsiloxane antifoam for industrial use, including cleaning products and aqueous ink manufacture Not allowed Readily dispersible Approx. 8.42 # 450 # 40 #
TRANS-P2000 K Kosher certified 100% polypropylene glycol defoamer for food-grade & industrial use, including fermentations Limited. Consult 21 CFR 173.340 Insoluble < 8.30 # 450 # 40 #
TRANS-SF20 20 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 7.90 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF100 100 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 8.03 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF200 200 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 8.03 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF350 350 centistoke silicone fluid; food-grade & kosher 10 ppm Insoluble 8.07 # 450 # 40 #
TRANS-SF1000 1000 centistoke silicone fluid; food-grade 10 ppm Insoluble 8.08 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF10000 10000 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 8.10 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF60000 60000 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 8.12 # 440 # 40 #
TRANS-SF100000 100000 centistoke silicone fluid Not Allowed Insoluble 8.13 # 440 # 40 #